Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Ride

So, what's The Fuzz been up to lately?

Well, just the little things of daily life of course.

With school stating back, there was a trip to the city for new glasses for that Not So Young Anymore Daughter.  And of course some other "school supplies" were included.
And then there was some work at the Old Place, trying to get things sorted out over there.  He's finally getting back in shape so that he can use the chainsaw... if he is careful.  So he cut down a couple of trees in preparation for an upcoming building project.

But, The Fuzz did finally manage to get the bike out for a ride up to the mountains.

The picnic area where he usually stops for a lunch break was still closed.

So he stopped at the overlook at Deerlick Gap once again.  
There are a couple of tables there- which one would suppose are getting a bit more use these days.
While not much of an artist, Our Fuzz likes to carry his small sketch book with him.  And he attempts to record the experience in a non-photographical manner over a beer and sandwich.
Then it was back down the mountain again.  Homeward bound in time for the Knitting Group that he has gotten involved in with His Sweetie.  Isn't retirement great!

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