Monday, July 06, 2020


Still staying home for the most part.
But it is definitely getting old.
Actually, The Old North State seems to be one of the current hotspots for C-19 now.
I see where we are required to quarantine lately if we go to some other places.
Oh well.

But I don't actually need to go anywhere - except the occasional trip out for necessary supplies, like maybe the odd roll of toilet paper.
Mostly, it's just waiting, but for what?

It's like I keep waiting for something to happen…

We all seem to be waiting for this to pass.

It's hard to not just say #@&% it, and go out and rip off the face mask.
Seems to be plenty of folks doing that already.
You start to think maybe a few sniffles would be better than this.

Of course that's not the reality of the situation.
Being on a ventilator doesn't hold a whole lot of attraction for me.

And then there is the aspect of contributing to spread of the crap.

So for now, it's just this waiting game.
For something to change.

So anyhow, let's have a happy pix for these frustrating times.

Some happy Day Lilies!


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