Sunday, September 17, 2006

Finally Gone.
This relic from the past graced our front yard for many days. In the early summer' or perhaps it was the late springtime it was an important part of our lives here in this peaceful paradise. But as sometimes happens in life, unbeknownst to us, dark forces were at work. To successfully bake bread, enchiladas and other necessities it included an oven, a simple device consisting of a thermostatical switch and a heating element. Now this thermostatical began to behave in an erratical manner. Thermostaticus-erraticus as it were. No longer content with subservience to the cook, it began to assert itself by turning on the oven at odd times and without supervision. At this point it was realized that this rebellious switch could no longer remain in control of the situation.
This would be in reality a simple operation in fact one successfully completed on more than one occasion in the past in similar situations. However, when a replacement was sought it became evident that this replacement was shockingly expensive. In fact for a modest addition in cost, one could become the satisfied owner of a brand new, slightly dented, but greatly superior cook stove complete with a totally reliable oven. So out with the old and in with the new, as they say.
At this point fate again steps in and this truck (see Sometimes things....) comes in to the picture. In order to remove this relic of past feasts it was necessary to be able to use this truck with some confidence of successfully returning to the point of origin. This was a problem. And so the grass grew around, the leaves fell and it became a part of our daily existence, always there yet unnoticed for the most part.
And now, on this wondrous day, it is gone. Truck is on it's mysterious "Truck Go" cycle and relic was successfully removed and truck returned home on it's own power. I am very happy as write this and enjoy delicious crackers baked with love in almost brand new, slightly dented, most superior cook stove.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man!!!!! Why do Rose and Joel get all the fun.

*sigh... imagine all the fun to be cookies of caked mud, boiling caked corn cobs on the top... and that delicious smelling polkberry soup.

When I was their age I had to wait on the sun to bake my mud just have to way to easy these days.
