Sunday, July 08, 2007

Dog Sitting

Meet the Barkly. Barkly does not exactly live here, but he is visiting. Oldest Son and, Future Daughter in Law, are on a trip to where those yankees live. That is someplace north of here. So This Barkly is visiting for a few days. It's OK. He is used to a bit more personal attention than he gets here though. We did take him for a couple walks along with our own foolish little doggie that won't stay out of the road and tries to get squashed by motor vehicles. The little doggie thinks she can eat him. This is foolish of course, but it must be the Chihuahua coming out in her.
Barkly sleeps in his "Crate". This is a good thing, because he likes this, and we like this. Yesterday, when I was taking off his "harness" (used for walking), a piece came off his collar. It seemed insignificant at the time. Early this morning I got up to put him in the yard and he just pulled his head out of his collar. This was not good, since this is how we make him stay with us. Being the resourceful person I am, I just put the "Harness" on, hooked him up, and went back to bed. Little did I realize, that whilst I was dozing, he was destroying this thing, and tasting real freedom. Fortunately, he had decided to enjoy his freedom in the back yard.
When I finally got up, I looked out there and he was gone. I mumbled a four letter word or two, but then thought to check out back. Thank God he was there just playing with his "Bone". So we closed the gate, and it was time for a trip to Wally World for a new collar. Barkly is a real People Dog, so I guess he had no desire to "escape".
So Here he is looking all rednecky with his Bone under the truck.


Anonymous said...

whew, sounds like a close call. Glad he didn't wander too far.

The Lazy Iguana said...

The best dog collars are actually the "choker" collars. They are the cheapest too. They look like a metal chain with rings on either end.

The vet I use has these collars for all his hunting dogs. And he can afford nicer ones.

Barkly looks like he could keep people who want to steal my stainless steel boat propeller out of the yard.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

We use a "choker" on our own little dogie, it works well.
Barkly is actually quite friendly, but looks can go a long way.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. It reminds me that everyday things can become an adventure!

Anonymous said...

awwww...barkley is such a sweetie.... :)