Saturday, November 03, 2007

Play Festival

Every year here in North Carolina they have a Play Festival for the High Schools. What happens is that a Drama Team from the participating school must set up, perform and break down a short play within a 45min time limit. Naturally, there would be too many schools competing (it is a bit of a contest, with the winner later representing the state) to do this all at one time. So there are regional contests with the better plays going to "State".
The local High School has been blessed with an outstanding auditorium, (one of the best in the state) so one of the competitions is usually held here. In fact, due to some scheduling problems, one time the State Contest was held here. This is really cool because it is open to the public and free, gratis. And because of the local school's reputation, and facilities, many of the best drama departments choose to come here. Of course our own school cannot compete on their own home stage, but there are plenty of others.
All this is to say that we spent the day at the theater. Photography was not allowed, so there are no pix. But we enjoyed it, and there was some really good stuff.
But so as not to leave all my loyal readers with out some sort of visual stimulation, here's a little bit before the frost kills everything.

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