Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stein Hoard

Some time ago a certain Blogger mentioned Beer Steins, and wondered if people actually use them. Well here is The Fuzz's modest Beer Stein Hoard. On the left is one that came from a Yankee Uncle. Next and the far right came from Californian Grandmother of Sweetie. The remaining Stein, was gift from Dear Daughter. While it is true that they mostly gather dust, all are completely functional, and actually used on occasion. Here [File Photo] is actual, photographical proof of this fact. Of course this particular beer is long gone, but you can trust that it went to a good cause.

In other news, still no real rain, no well water.

No this is not becoming a porn site, but be forewarned of scandalous Fuzz Pix soon.

1 comment:

The Lazy Iguana said...

I have a small stein around here somewhere. Someone I knew had a small collection and when he died I got one. I should find it and use it.