Friday, March 07, 2008

2 Down & 7 To Go

Here he is, kicked back, under the Wood Stove.Yes it's that Well Known, and Popular Cat, Puddin'. Long time readers may remember, that when we first became involved with this fellow, he was already down 1 life out of the 9, having fell out of the "nest" and off the roof. They may remember how he was raised by his foster Mommy, The Fuzz's Sweetie, and grew into the Fine Upstanding Cat he is today. And they may remember our concerns about The Road.
Well yesterday evening, he lost another of those 9 lives. As The Fuzz's Sweetie was taking that Stupid Disobedient Dog for an evening stroll, she noticed that Foolish Cat was following, across the road. And then, a lone car approached. And finally that Foolish Cat did exactly the wrong thing, and walked out in front of this speeding vehicle. First came the "thud", and then the sight of puddin' rolling over and over. Then he lay still in the silence of the night.
She came and got The Fuzz, who pulled on his boots and was going for the shovel when she came back and said, he was still alive. She nearly got run over herself, guarding him on the road. He was gently brought inside. He could hold up his head, and crawl a bit. There was no blood or poop, so we let him lay in the warmth. By this morning, he could walk a little, and now he seems to be OK. For some reason, God had mercy on him.
Well, we all are glad of that. We have grown rather fond of the little fool.


Anonymous said...

I hope he is ok, what a scare. If this is a recent picture, he looks to be himself.that's good.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

He seems to be fine. He's playing with the dog and all that. The pic was taken the day after the incident.