Friday, March 07, 2008


This passed weekend, while The Fuzz was off, motorcycling with Young Daughter, his Sweetie was out, walking the stupid, disobedient dog. Whilst getting all that good exercise, they were perusing one of the local Flee Markets and found this fine example of local woodworking skill. His Sweetie thought this would be just the thing for Her Sweetie (The Fuzz). The dog didn't seem to have an opinion.

The Fuzz likes it pretty good, and fixed a place for it out in the garden, were it can catch the breeze. Maybe it will keep the birds from eating all the seeds, but I doubt it.

Down below this spiffy whirligig, you can see The Fuzz's improvised Cold Frame. He is trying to give his spinach a little head start. He is hoping to be able to get strong like Popeye the Sailor.

Here is a better look at this contraption.

You can also see some spinach and lettuce he hopes will get big enough to eat someday.

In other important news, this excerpt from the water table table, shows that we now have 36in. of cool clear water in that hole in the yard. This is good. They are calling for 90% chance for some more today. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

wow, the garden looks great. I only have tiny tiny leaves peaking up for my spinach and the peas are only now even trying to come up..... I do hope we get rain today, w-s is well below normal rain water levels and it's a bad sign for the summer.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

We're behind on rain here too.
I cheated on those spinach and lettuces, and set out plants.