Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Red Maples and Bee Stings

We're getting that rain today. We are still pretty far behind on it though. Maybe things will get better.
The Fuzz took Young Daughter out on the motorcycle this passed weekend. They had a good ride although it was a little chilly. But Spring is coming again as can be seen by these Red Maple blossoms.
These Red Maples are one of the things the Bees like to get started with in the spring. We used to keep Bees some years ago. The Fuzz got stung a lot. One time he got stung enough to swell up a bunch, even in some places I don't want to mention here. His Sweetie fed him a bunch of parsley, which he is not very fond of, but it made all the swelling go down pretty quick. She's pretty smart and he should listen to her more, I think. The Bees were kinda fun, and the young'uns used to gorge themselves on honey when we robbed them. But all the Bees died off eventually. I guess there is a time for everything, and everything is in it's time.
These days, we're still gathering up firewood, but soon the time for that will be passed.
Well, it looks like the Rain has stopped, too bad. But we did get some Today.

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