Thursday, April 10, 2008

Money and Chess

Here's a bit of our springtimey landscape.

These purple blossoms are our Money Plant. Yes, that's right. Money may not grow on trees, but these are the real "Money Plants". Just so you know-

"Money plant was introduced to England from Germany in the late 1500s and brought to America by the Puritans. Money plant is also called honesty, silver dollar, satinflower, penny flower, Judas' penny, and moonwart."

So, unfortunately, it's not "Legal Tender". But they are pretty nice to have arround since they bloom early and reseed themselves in every year. Actually, they can kinda take over an area. But we enjoy them a lot.

At the Home of the Famous University The Fuzz saw this Chess Set.
It seems to be ready for the Big Game.

The Fuzz used to try to play Chess sometimes, but he's gotten so he doesn't care to these days. He says that he gets sucked in and takes it too serious. That's no fun. Maybe that's what happens to some of those Chess Guys. They go a little crazy. Maybe more than a little.

But be that as it may, We're just admiring the Chess Pieces here, not trying to conquer the Chess World or anything.


Anonymous said...

reminds me of Harry Potter.

Anonymous said...

At least you don't flip over the board like JAG used to do... 'course with pieces this size it may be a bit harder to manage that.