Friday, April 18, 2008

The Yearly Mark Wood Concert

It's time for the yearly Mark Wood Concert.
For the past few years the High School Orchestra has sponsored this affair to raise money. Every body (almost) needs money, especially "The Arts". But "The Arts" are a good thing for kids to be involved in. It's a chance to get some Culture and all that. So they get this guy, who is somewhat famous I take it, to come down here and do all this. They work with the kids and get them to play backup for them in these concerts. This is actually the middle school on stage here. The Fuzz was over there to see Young Daughter in action. But you really can't see her in the picture.

You can see this guy though. I don't really know who he is, but he seems to have found a way to make his job a little easier. This is some of that Encroach of Civilization stuff. These people have come here and dug holes and disrupted traffic and all. In the holes, they are burying big pipes. Rumor has it that they plan to let water run though these pipes. I guess they'll get the water from the river. The City has something to do with this.

I suppose this will be a good thing, considering the Drought and Global Warming and all. But The Fuzz has mixed feelings about it all.
It may be time to break camp, and move farther back into the woods.


The Lazy Iguana said...

I would wait for a bit before you move deeper into the woods. Your property will be worth more once it has a city water and sewer connection.

Civilization is not that bad.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

It could cause complications.