Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nerves of Steel (2)

Ah! This is what was supposed to happen. But it had to be done in a roundabout manner. The Fuzz's Sweetie has her own way of doing things, (don't we all) and her system was used this time. And with *success!

But as was mentioned in a very recent post, this lady, while not being attired in appropriate "Renaissance" style, displayed "Nerves of Steel" in this situation.

*Unfortunately, to see a larger pix, you will have to go to that previous and less successful post. Again, I say ##%&*%!!!


Anonymous said...

why don't you use flickr for your blog images? then anyone who clicks on them can see a larger picture, on flickr.... just a thought. I just copy and paste the code on my flickr page for the size of the photo I use and do it that way on my website.

Anonymous said...

anyway, doesn't look like my idea of a good time.!