Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gone To The Beach

It was time for our annual Beach Trip.
For the last few years the family has gathered together for a week at the beach.
So how does a train fit into all this? Well, this is the train that blocked our route, in route, to this exciting event. This one was apparently on the siding waiting for another to pass. Unfortunately, the result of this business was that this road was blocked, for a long time. This was a bit frustrating as the road we were trying to get to was only about 1/4 mile ahead. Eventually, some local folks directed us on a bit of a detour which got us where we needed to go, although it was a few miles out of the way.
But we finally made it out to the coast.
Here is a shot of the sunrise over the town of Topsail Beach, from across the sound, courtesy of The Fuzz himself.


maria said...

oh - I LOVE the shot of the sun! wonderful!!

deftgurl said...

some great photos. You are really good at capturing the atmosphere. :)

The Lazy Iguana said...


The water is a lot closer to me. I can trailer the boat there in around 30 minutes.

My annual beach trek to the barrier island in the Gulf Of Mexico requires a drive time of around 2.5 hours and takes place in July.