Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Beach Stuff!

Last time we saw how a train could interfere with a Beach Trip. But there are more potential hold ups than that.
Here's another.
In this shot, it's closed. But of course, that is not always the case. In fact as we approached The Island, it was open, which means a long line of automobiles, and a long wait. There is another bridge, but it is on the other end of The Island. This is not a long bridge, but since our car is not amphibious, we opted to wait. We finally made it across, and out to the Beach House, where the rest of the family was already enjoying their Beach Experience.
One of the "Boys" found this thing, whatever it is.
Here's a look at some of the Beach Houses from the marsh area out in the Sound. The Fuzz likes to paddle around over there in the canoe. This time he had his camera.
The real beach is on the other side of the Island.
It's just a short walk to the wind and surf, but The Fuzz spends more time over here.


maria said...

tht thing looks like a giant snail!! or a filled conch shell...dad you could cut the topa nd play it!

deftgurl said...

looks kinda gross from this angle!

The Lazy Iguana said...

That is a "Horse Conch". I believe they are protected on account of people almost eating all them up.

To get the snail out you hang it from a hook. Eventually the shell falls off.

You can also cut off the end of the shell and cut the tendons that hold the snail in.

Fresh conch is pretty good - but only legal in The Bahamas.