Sunday, June 28, 2009

Beet It

It will be admitted that The Fuzz has never been one of The Gloved One's many fans. In fact, he is more familiar with Weird Al's parodies of Jackson's work.
But His Sweetie pulled up these Beets from the Garden the other day, and he couldn't resist.

This wasn't all of them, there was another milk crate at least 1/2 full.
She pickled some, and made us some yummy Borscht also.
This morning, before it got too hot we picked these Green Beans.

The garden is doing pretty well this year, since there has been plenty of rain. It's hard to believe June is almost over. But next week is The 4th. Seems like every year goes by faster and faster. Or else, I get slower and slower.
Our annual Beach Trip is behind us, but it seems like a good time to share this one, by a Little Known Local Artist.


deftgurl said...

nice color in the painting. WOW! You have a lot of beets AND green beans! we have a little of each, but nothing like those amounts. I love homegrown beets, nothing beats them.

vi said...

I love beets!!! I'm jealous....

The Lazy Iguana said...

I was growing some tomato plants in the front yard. I was letting them vine ripen.

The night before harvest, the possums got them all.

maria said...

wow - great painting. :) it has just started to feel like summer round here - so hopefully our tomatos will pop out soon