A Walk Up The Hill
We've been working pretty steady trying to get the trailer in shape to live in. So for the Long Weekend we wanted a little break. We packed a lunch and headed out to the near by South Mt State Park. This is a view from the Possum Trail, headed up the mountain.
This is from closer to the top of the ridge.
We had a good time. We were a bit tired at the end, but it was a nice change.
The Fuzz wanted you to get a look at this cool bit of Fungi we found up there, so here it is.
We are hoping to get online out at the new place soon so we may be able to keep up with this stuff a little better. I guess with internet and a real phone, we'll be pretty much official.
looks really beautiful! I miss 'ol south mountian..i used to love shinney trail..i think that was thename of it :)
wow, great pic of the mushroom!
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