Monday, May 02, 2011


He stood there for a long time. Finally, he had found another survivor, and she had locked him out. The smell in the hallway was getting stronger. He walked down to the window, and looked out carefully. He saw no one.

Back on the ground floor, he found a door leading out into the ally, and unlocked it. There was no one there now either. As he made his way to the street, he turned to survey the building behind him. Once again he thought he saw some movement in one of the windows. He was sure it was the girl.

But, it was obvious she didn't want him there with her. He would have to find someplace else to spend the night. And now he had those men looking for him.
Their truck was gone now. But Finster was still wary as he limped into the street. His leg hurt, and he was hungry now, and thirsty. He broke into a connivance store on the corner, and drank a bottle of water. Thankfully, there were no rotting corpses there.

He noted that he could help himself to anything in the place, regardless of price. Yet his improved financial status gave him little satisfaction. But, if the beer was warm, at least it was the "good stuff". He settled into a back corner of the store with some canned goods, and a couple six packs of that "high dollar" beer.
As it grew dark, he found a cheap flashlight and a couple packs of batteries. He opened a beer, and settled in for the night. It had been a long day.

He was finishing his second beer when he thought about Porter, and what he had been saying when he had been shot, "...They'll want to see you... make tests..." And then, there was what he had overheard in the apartment, "...Dr. Ekhard want's him alive..."

Porter had been genuinely surprised to see him. Maybe he shouldn't have killed him. But he hadn't been thinking clearly at the time. He wondered how clearly he was thinking now. It all still seemed like some kind of nightmare. But would he ever wake up? It didn't look like it.

He opened another beer.
So "They" wanted him. And not only for shooting Porter. Who were "They", and who was this "Dr. Ekhard"?
Finster belched, and tore open another bag of chips.
And what about these "Tests"? It must have something to do with why he was still alive. He was supposed to be dead... Like everybody else. Everybody except that red headed girl. And "They" knew about her now.
Finster stumbled across the store to the bathroom, came back, and opened another beer. He was feeling good. He would get out of town in the morning. But what about that girl? He would have to see her first. She needed to be warned. He set his drink down reluctantly.
No more beer tonight.

*The Fuzz realizes that if someone were to actually read this stuff, they would be getting it sorta backwards. There is a link in the sidebar, "Finster", that will take one to another page with this mess in it's proper order.

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