Saturday, May 07, 2011


6 Morning

Sergeant Stevens had not slept well. He had hoped to be back at headquarters by now. But instead he had had to spend the night here. It was all part of his job in the security section, but he didn't like it. Dr. Ekhard was insisting that they bring this Finster back with them. If not for that, they would have closed it all down yesterday.
But he could see the point. Porter was nothing. But anyone who had survived without the vaccine would certainly be of interest. And now, there was even the possibility of a second survivor.

He woke Larry and started some coffee. He used water from the tap. They were both immune to it anyway.
The chopper pilot came in. The Director had called and wanted him back in the city right away. He was sorry, but there was a shortage of pilots and choppers. They would have to drive back once they had finished their business here. He went back out, and soon they heard him fire up the chopper, and leave.
The sooner they got started, the better. The sun had just risen, as they got into the truck and headed back into town, and the apartment building. Stevens hoped to find the woman, at least.

As the sun rose in the morning, Finster stretched and gathered up his things. His leg was sore, but the wound was not deep and the bleeding had stopped. The more he used it, the less it hurt him.
He would take his car as far as he could. There should be enough gas to reach the mountains. He was sure he could hide there. He had been up there many times. He knew plenty of hidden places to camp for a while. Sooner or later they would give up the search for him. After that... he just didn't know.

But first he must find the girl. He hoped she would talk to him this time. He was sure they would come back for her. He needed to warn her.

He was surprised when he heard the chopper again. He ducked back into the doorway and watched it fly off in the direction it had come from the day before. Surely they hadn't given up already. He didn't believe it, and it might even be a trick to get his guard down.

Sally had spent the night sitting in the dark. She had been glad at first to find there were other survivors. She didn't like the idea of being alone. But now even they seemed to be a danger. She was sure they would be back and she knew her hiding place in the closet would eventually be found. She would need to get out of the apartment the first thing in the morning.
As it began to grow lighter, she gathered some things into a bag. But still, she had no idea of where to go.

Sally had become so used to the silence that any unusual sound caught her attention. When she heard the creak on the stairs, she was instantly alert. Someone was coming, and silently. She quietly picked up her bag and slipped into her place behind the closet wall.

*The Fuzz realizes that if someone were to actually read this stuff, they would be getting it sorta backwards. There is a link in the sidebar, "Finster", that will take one to another page with this mess in it's proper order.

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