Thursday, May 05, 2011


From the apartment, Sally had watched Finster leaving the ally. She had not seen a living person since her recovery. Then, all of a sudden, this man shows up with a gun. And then the others came, chasing him. Was she right to hide him? It sounded as if he had killed someone.

It was her aunt's apartment. Sally had moved in with her after graduation. Mostly to get away from her stepfather, Jake. When her aunt had become sick, she had tried to call her mother. But no one would pick up. Finally, Jake had answered and told her not to call back. He'd sounded angry.
Finally she called 911 and they had taken her aunt to the hospital. That was in the beginning, before she had gotten sick herself. By then, there was no one left to help.
The time that followed was just a blur. She wasn't sure what had been real, and what had been delirium. All she knew, was that one day, she had woken up, and every one else was dead.
She had wondered if she was, in fact, dead herself. Perhaps this was what it was like, to always be alone, in the last place you remembered. She had even thought she was a ghost for a time.
But now, there were these new people. And this man was real, she had touched him. And he had touched her. They were both alive.
She didn't know why she had locked him out. As it grew darker, she wished she hadn't. She sat in the dark, too afraid to light her candle.

Larry sat with Sergeant Stevens in the office at the water plant. The generators were still running, and the lights were on. They had carried Porter's body outside and thrown it in the dumpster. It would be a couple more days before it began to stink. They hoped to be gone by then.
"I talked to Dr. Ekhard a while ago," Stevens said. "He wants both this Finster guy, and whoever else we can find."
"What makes you think there's anyone else?"
"Someone was staying in that apartment."
Larry sighed. He just wanted to get away from this place.
Stevens continued,
"We'll check it again in the morning."

*The Fuzz realizes that if someone were to actually read this stuff, they would be getting it sorta backwards. There is a link in the sidebar, "Finster", that will take one to another page with this mess in it's proper order.

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