Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bing Gananda 12

7 Shots in the night

Tindor had wandered off by himself. He was so absorbed in his discoveries that he lost track of the time. He found himself on an isolated stretch of beach. He could see the sailor's fire across the cove. The sounds of their revelry were faint in the distance.
The sun had gone down behind the mountain some time ago. There was a lantern burning on the Mary Anne, anchored in the cove. He could just see the glow of the mountain's crater over the trees.
Tindor was happy to spend some time off the ship. But he did not want to join the sailors yet. The moon had risen and he was enjoying the peace.

Back at the fire, the men had started on the rum.
"Martin's alright."
"The captain wouldn't have give us the rum."
"What's he gonna say about this?" asked a worried man.
"Who cares, what can he do?"
"Where is Martin, anyway?"

Martin was farther down the beach with Spitzer and Hull.
"Are you with us or not?" Hull demanded.
"Are you crazy? Piracy?" Spitzer was appalled.
"This island is the perfect place for a base. No one even knows it's here."
"The ship's barely armed!"
"She's fast, and she'll do for coasters and these island traders. We'll pick up a few more guns as we go."
"What about the Captain?"
"Damn the Captain! And you too. Are you with us, or not?"
Hull grabbed hold of Spitzer's arm. Spitzer spun and hit him hard in the jaw, braking free. He sprinted away. There was a blast of fire and smoke, and he sprawled in the sand. Martin was holding the still smoking pistol.
"That's one down."

The shot was easily heard onboard the ship in the cove. The Captain and Mr. Jackson both came on deck.
"It came from over there," said the man on watch. He pointed to a dark area of the shoreline. "I saw the flash."
Captain Pearce turned to the Bos'n.
"Who's still onboard?"
He sounded serious.
"Just the watch, Grinder, Daniels, Roper, and Billy here," Jackson answered. "And the cook, of course," he added.
Pearce lowered his voice.
"Are you armed?"
"Damn you, are you armed!"
"Well, no, sir."
The Captain spoke quickly.
"Billy, Jackson, come with..."
He was interrupted as two men came on deck. It was Grinder and Roper. They both carried cutlasses.
"Where's Daniels?" Pearce asked in a cold voice.
"He's not coming." Daniels was below with his throat slit.
Billy slowly drew a knife from his belt.
"What'll it be, Billy?" asked Roper. "You with us?"
"Damn you!"
The Captain pulled a pistol from his waist as Grinder lunged at him. There was a small flash and fizzle as the gun misfired. Grinder ran him though. And then, the gun went off, blowing a hole into the deck.
Billy had thrown up his arm to block Roper's slash. He was cut to the bone, blood spurting. He slashed at Roper with the knife barely missing his throat. It was no good. Roper brought the cutlas down on him, nearly severing his head.
Now both men turned on Jackson, but he went over the rail and dove into the water below.

The shots were heard by the gathered Lithorians. They murmured nervously.
"That's the same thing we heard this morning."
"Where is Bing Gananda?"
"Why is she not here?"
Finally, someone led Bing Gananda forth. The rest grew quiet. The most ancient of the Eld gestured for her to approach.
"Where have you been tonight, Bing Gananda?" he asked.
"I have just returned from the mountain, High One." she answered.
There were more voices from the crowd.
"She rode on that beast!"
"The Shadocatch!"
"She is Blood with the Shadocatch!"
The Eld motioned her closer, and asked quietly.
"Is this true?"
"Yes, we are Blood, High One."
The Eld's expression softened just a little. Bing was the only one who noticed. He spoke again.
"And what does Kurura say?"
Somehow, she was not surprised that he knew.
There was an uproar from the crowd. Kurura was widely feared by the Lithorians. The other Eld watched in shock as he asked again, this time so as only the closest could hear.
"Tell me, Bing Gananda." Then he added just for her, "You are a brave one."
Her courage rose as she looked into his face.
"Kurura said that there are other worlds."
"These creatures are men..."
"They bring evil with them." she added in a whisper.

*Bing Gananda may also be found in the sidebar, at the right.

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