Saturday, August 06, 2011

Bing Gananda 6

4 From the Sea

The sound of the shot startled Bing Gananda from her sleep. She crawled to the opening of her den and looked out. Some of the others had heard it too. They were beginning to gather with frightened looks. Then, Pandurina burst into the Holt and ran to Bing.
She put her face close to Bing and they heard a series of low sounds. Then Bing stood up and spoke to the others.
"Some creatures have come. Pandurina saw them at the lower pool of Hesselite, near the sea."
"They came from the Sea, didn't they!" Gala Gania said accusatively to Bing Gananda.
There was a murmur from the others, as Gala continued.
"You were there again today! Now the Sea has sent them to swallow us up!"
"I did see something today..." Bing began, only to be interrupted by Gala.
"You should had stayed away! You knew it was dangerous! But you go there every day!"
Bing Gananda and Gala had never gotten along. It was mostly Bing's fault. She loved practical jokes, and Gala was the perfect victim. She would become so enraged at Bing, that she was liable to do anything. Bing thought it was great fun.
"I only..." she began. But the others were becoming threatening under the influence of Gala Gania. They began to move toward her.
But then, with a low snarl, Pandurina stepped between her and the others. Pan bared her teeth, and they all fell back a step. Bing Gananda crawled onto the shadocatch, and dug her fingers and toes into the thick fur. Then she whispered into Pan's ear, and they disappeared into the jungle. No one followed.

*Bing Gananda may also be found in the sidebar, at the right.

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