Monday, August 29, 2011

More Troubles, Resolved (more or less)

You may remember Our Fuzz has been having Motorcycle Troubles lately. He finally did get that troublesome screw out. That required removing the headlight, and cutting a new slot in the offending screw with his trusty Dremel Tool. Much to his chagrin, he found that this was not actually the fuse box. When he actually found the fuses, there was nothing wrong with them.
It was time to enlist the expert. The Fuzz called on that Mechanical Minded Daughter, a recent graduate of that Prestigious NASCAR Mechanic School! Her extensive knowledge of auto electrical systems, carried over into Motorcycle Electrical situations as well. It turns out that the culprit was this Starter Button. The Fuzz remembers when there used to be a "Kick Starter" on these things. But those days seem to be gone. The switch was temporarily "fixed", and The Fuzz is back on the road. And a new switch will be procured as soon as possible.
The Fuzz used to fix her cars. Now things are going the other way. That's a good thing.

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