That afternoon, Our Fuzz made a stop at the Auto Parts Store for a replacement bulb.
Not being familiar with these new fangled sort of vehicles, he consulted the Book, hoping to avoid any expensive foul-ups. There he found that it was suggested that he remove part of the Fender Stuff to "obtain access" to this little item. This seemed like a lot of trouble to him as he lay on the wet ground contemplating the situation. On his feet once more, he took another look under the hood. It appeared that it would be possible to simply reach in there and remove the defective bulb, and install the replacement in "reverse order". Indeed, this proved to be the case.
But this whole episode did present the opportunity for a Brand New Mystery Pix. But of course it is too late to demonstrate your deductive abilities now. That Canuck has already opened the mystery.
"broken halogen lightbulb?"