Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Earlier this year, the power company sent huge machines to clear under the power lines.  The Fuzz didn't like this much, but there was nothing he could do about it.

This time they came though one morning spraying poison on everything.

The Fuzz and His Sweetie
 (mostly) had planted a hedge up along the road where they had cut everything down earlier.  Fortunately, the spray guys figured out that all those little trees in a neat row were something intentionally planted.  But they did get the privet at the edge of the woods.

The Fuzz has a problem with folks spraying poison on things.  Admittedly, there are times when it seems necessary, like when wasps have moved into one's doorbell.  

But something just seems wrong about poisoning the ground.  Here's a look at the ugly mess left behind.

But there is hope.  This morning The Fuzz found these young shoots struggling up from the roots of the privet bushes.


Woodie said...

guess you can't keep a good privet down forever.

in our neighborhood, there's a really sad story about poison and some fussy neighbors who hated our friends fence/hedge of jasmine so much they resulted to guerilla tactics. These people hated the hedge so much, they complained all the time and said it looked messy and wild. it was simply a fence with jasmine vines on it, I thought it looked pretty and it always smelled great then the flowers were in bloom. Anyway, wWhen our friends were away on vacation their neighbors slunk over and sprayed the whole hedge with roundup and there was no reviving it.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...
