Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Story behind the Mystery Pix

Well Jeff got it on the second shot-

Jeff said...
"Leaf veins!"
Whilst The Fuzz was in the mountains last week, he had a bit of lunch at the picnic area near Crabtree Falls.

Since he did have a beer with his lunch, he was in no big hurry to get back on the road.

So he made another attempt at sketching the place.
And while sitting there he couldn't help but notice all the cool little details on the table itself.
So he got out the camera and made a few closeups of the things that caught his eye.
And this was the inspiration for that Mystery pix.

And you can see more below.

The Fuzz is always fascinated by These little things.  They are like whole worlds in themselves. 

1 comment:

Woodie said...

lovely moss.