Thursday, September 05, 2013


Wow, it's September already!  And a week since our last post.  Oh well.  But The Fuzz and His Sweetie have not been idle here in the woods.
A while back, whilst on a trip to party with the young'uns, The Fuzz and his Sweetie noticed a disturbing trend in their Luxury Vehicle.  A glance in the rearview mirror reveled that what had been a minor case of sagging headliner had become a major case of sagging headliner, and worse.

A quick stop was made at one of the many convenient Auto Parts Stores for some supper spray adhesive.  Having arrived at the destination, The Fuzz and His Sweetie proceeded to shoot a lot of glue up in there.  Then they pushed the fabric back where it was supposed to be.  It was a little wrinkled, but hey, it was up there again.
Unfortunately this fix was only temporary.  With another trip on the agenda, another quick fix was made.  This time Gorilla Tape did the trick.  (The Fuzz strongly recommends this product)  And it did hold.  But the center was still saggy, held only by the dome light and other fixtures.
The Fuzz thought briefly about seeking professional help for this, as it appeared to be rather intimidating.  But a visit to YouTube produced a helpful video of a man performing this very operation on an almost duplicate of this very vehicel!  So The Fuzz And His Sweetie figured that they would remove the headliner, and paint it, thus removing any chance of this occurring in the future.
Since many of these newfangled cars are equipped with airbags, The Fuzz thought it would be prudent to disable this safety feature, which can kill you, by disconnecting the battery.

He had lots of help*.

Next, The Fuzz and His Sweetie went to work removing the various fixtures that held the headliner in place.

This operation went surprisingly well.

The fabric is glued onto a plastic (The Fuzz guesses - all this stuff seems the same to him) form, which can be removed in one piece.

Here is a look at the headlinerless passenger compartment of said Luxury Vehicle.

The headliner was cleaned with wire brushes, and painted with Kilz.  This stuff is great.  The Fuzz's Sweetie even used it to paint over vinyl wallpaper in the Not-so-new Trailer.
The main challange here was to keep those "helpers" off of it until it dried.  The Fuzz had to finally stand it up on edge.  (Fortunately the little paw prints didn't show through on the finished project.)

Next the color was added.  This turned out pretty well also.

And here is a look at the headliner, reinstalled.  Total cost- less than 10 bucks for paint!  Let's see that come loose.

*A Techno-Tip - These guys come in handy when you need something to wipe your hands on!


Davey Doo said...

Nice, that's what I Did in my red truck, looking good nice and snazzy

The Canuck said...

That's pretty cool! I like it.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...
