Thursday, September 19, 2013

Magnetic Therapy

Ever since Our Fuzz's trip down the stairs, he has been having a bit of trouble with his shoulder and arm.  Things are getting so he can do pretty much what he wants to these days.  But there is still some discomfort in the old joints.

So when His Sweetie found these hematite beads* over at Sandy's, He decided to give it a shot.  It must be confessed that The Fuzz is  skeptical type.  But these things do seem to help a bit.  It may just be his imagination, but don't be surprised if you run into the old guy and he is wearing them.

*At one time- "Medical textbooks ... included magnetism as a therapeutic alternative for treating insomnia, migraine, fatigue, arthritis, and pain."

1 comment:

Davey Doo said...

Help your health and snazzy too.