Friday, September 20, 2013

New Cover

A number of years ago- quite a number in fact, The Fuzz's Sweetie made him a present of this little Bible.  Well, The Fuzz has used it for years now and it had gotten to the place where the cover was pretty much worn out.  
The original cover (which we regret not to have a pix of) was blue leather and had a flap which snapped over it to keep it closed.  This was a nice arrangement and The Fuzz liked it.  But it was history.
Well, The Fuzz and his Sweetie have been looking into bookbinding some in the last year or so, and this looked like a prime candidate for a new cover.
Fortunately, the binding itself was intact.  All that was needed was a replacement cover.  The Fuzz is fond of leather and over the years has collected a bit of scraps and samples*.  So he pulled out a piece of a convenient size and went to work.
The first thing was to remove the old cover without ruining the binding.  This was a slow go, but eventually (with some good advice from His Sweetie) it was accomplished.
Then, the end papers were cleaned up and any damage repaired.
A piece of leather was selected, and trimmed to fit.  Since The Fuzz prefers a soft cover for this "Carry Bible", no additional stiffening was needed.  But this leather was much too thick to fold over the edges and was left as it was.  He simply glued it together, and left it pressed under a weight overnight.

Rather than trying to mount a snap, The Fuzz opted for a leather lace.  It holds the book closed nicely and is not really too much trouble to fasten with a simple knot.

The Fuzz is considering running a line of stitching around the edges.  But at this time it does not seem necessary.  It is holding up fine so far, and The Fuzz is quite pleased with it.

*One of the perks of the trash profession!