Friday, June 13, 2014

New Era

It's a New Era here in the woods.  The Not So Young Daughter has finally graduated from the High School.
Here's a couple of pix from the Graduation Ceremony.
The pix aren't all that great due to the limitations of The Fuzz's camera and his seat in the nosebleed section.
Maybe you can pick her out in these pix.
The Fuzz can't.
There was quite a crowd at the Graduation.
For a moment it looked like everyone wouldn't make it in.
But things worked out in the end, although it was hard to find everyone in the crowd afterward.
Then it was back to the woods for a Banana Split Party.
There were even T-shirts for all!
The Not So Young Anymore Daughter is the last of the 8 young'uns to make this leap into the real world.
The Fuzz says,
Good job
And may God be with you.

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