Thursday, June 05, 2014


Been a while, hasn't it?
But The Fuzz is back.
He has been spending some time with his sick brother lately.  But he has been home as well.  We might as well admit that he has been slack.
Just before one of those trips, he and His Sweetie had a pile of rocks delivered.
They wanted to add a bit more of a walkway from the trailer to the parking area.  Besides being a bit wet at times, there was a constant danger of stepping on little surprises, left by one of the dogs, or perhaps even a kitty.
Well Our Fuzz finally got around to laying the stone out.
They are simply laid on the ground.  He dug out under a few of them for stability, and rough leveling.  Then the sides were lined with some 1x2" boards from the Home Improvement Store.  Several wheelbarrow loads of sand were brought up from the creek and poured over the stone.  The Fuzz used a hose and broom to work this in around the stones.  It is hoped that this will also add a bit of stability.
And here's a look.
If nothing else, it will make it easier to see the poo.