Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Botanical Break

The afternoon was wearing on; and if The Fuzz and His Sweetie were going to make it to their next stop, they would have to get a move on.
And the next stop was...

With this sort of thing what can be said?
So We'll just post some pix.

This was pretty impressive...

Quite possibly the best that The Fuzz has seen...
in his limited Botanical Garden Experience.

And there were a number of these Kinetical Stainless Steel Sculptures around the garden.

Wind Power,
Pretty Cool?

There seemed to be a lot of these little guys everywhere The Fuzz went.

The Fuzz and His Sweetie could have spent a lot more time here.
With only an hour till closing time, all they really got was a quick overview of it all.

Then it was back to their camp.

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