Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bit of Update

While We have been posting (when we actually do post) mostly about The Fuzz and His Sweetie's travels this summer;
There have been other things going on out here in the woods.
for one thing.
There had been a litter of kittens needing a home.
And Our place out here in the woods is kinda Kitty Friendly.
There's plenty of room for play...
and kitty-type adventure.
And so The Fuzz and His Sweetie now have these Twins joining the rest of the Feline Festivities.

And that is not all!
Since the demise of 2/3 of the Dog Pack;
(they suspect foul play)
The Fuzz-
and especially His Sweetie- have been looking for another pup.
Searching the papers seems to only turn up those $200-400 High-Dollar Doggies.
This was not what they had in mind.
And they are both of the opinion that a Mixed Mutt makes the best yard dog anyway.

So it was time to begin a more concentrated search.
And it turned out that right out here, in the woods, one of the neighbors had this guy!
He seems to be the grandson of our own, lamented Buddha, himself.
He's a bit older than one usually looks for in a puppy, but that should be okay.
He is actually a very timid fellow,
and is still a bit homesick.
It will take some time of course,
but he is beginning to come out a bit.

Here is Pocky hiding from the rain in his doghouse.

Next time we'll get back to a bit more of The Fuzz's Yankee Adventures.

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