Wednesday, December 02, 2015

A Bit of Plumbing

It was previously mentioned that The Fuzz & His Sweetie were involved in a bit of Granddaughter Duty not long ago.
This involved some time spent away from their Home in the Woods, in town.
While there, They offered to replace a kitchen faucet that, while functional, was not, shall we say- in pristine condition.
Once it was ascertained that this would be agreeable to all concerned, (it's a guy thing) The Fuzz and their hostess slipped over to that Infamous Home Improvement Store;
(There seems to be one in every town!)
...And a replacement was procured.
The next step was to get under the kitchen sink-
which is never much fun.
But once everything was out of the way, things went surprisingly well.
The tools were gotten out-
And really, when it comes down to it, it's largely a matter of having the right tools.
You might notice that The Fuzz's shirt is just a wee bit damp in this picture.  But really that is nothing compared to what can happen if one is foolish enough to tear into these things.
And here is a look at the new faucet.

Of course it took a couple of days to realize that the reason the dishwasher wasn't working right was because The Fuzz had inadvertently turned off the valve to it!

But then-
All's well, that ends well.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

Nice. :) I'm sure it was appreciated. :)