Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas On The Way

Times change.
The years go by, sometimes one hardly notices.
And then one day you turn around and things a very different.

The Fuzz and His Sweetie spent 40+ years with young'uns around the house.
Christmas was always a time of intense activity.
Lots of presents to procure and wrap up.
The house was decorated, and there was always a Christmas Tree-
And it had to be a "live*" one.
There is no way to replace that smell-
It means Christmas!

But now with the kids all gone and with their own homes, kids, and Christmas;
And living in a much smaller (if less crowded) space-
There is no Tree.
But something is missing with this.

But this year His Sweetie had an inspiration.
So on the way home from a visit they stopped and picked up a fresh Christmas Wreath.
They got out the ornaments and picked out a few favorites-
So here we are!

It may be small, but it's there-
And smells like Christmas again.

*Well maybe not "live" since it had been cut down!

1 comment:

Woodie said...

lovely way to have a little bit of the season! :)