Saturday, December 12, 2015

Finally- Finishing Up

Well, yeah.
It is another case of that "P-Factor".
The Fuzz and the P-Factor go way back-
all the way to grade school and homework and stuff like that.
But this is not the time to go into that.
Remember the Shower project?
Well everything was done and in fine working order.
At least on the surface.
And while The Fuzz and His Sweetie have been enjoying those nice long hot showers-
There did remain one little detail still unfinished.
And with the cold weather moving in, it could no longer be put off.
It will be remembered that there was a considerable amount of plumbing done under the trailer.
And that is the sort of thing that can freeze if left uninsulated.
And due to that P-Factor, that was the situation.
So The Fuzz grabbed his trusty roll of Gorilla Tape, and crawled back under there.
It was a simple matter to pull the insulation back into place and tape the membrane back together.
Except for the feed lines!
With no place to put the cut-offs in the bathroom, The Fuzz had put them under the trailer.
It would have been easy enough to simply cover them up, but they needed to be accessible of course-
That's what they're for!
First he boxed the area in.
This is a shot looking up at the arrangement.
Then a bit of insulation was stuffed in-
It would be easy enough to remove if necessary.
And finally a door-

And latch.
This should be sufficient to handle these North Carolina Southern Winters.

And The Fuzz can scratch one more off of that
P-Factor List!

1 comment:

Woodie said...

oh yeah, you gotta be able to get to that shut off quick if all heck breaks loose. Looking good!