Sunday, March 20, 2016

Things What Goes Up

The Fuzz may be a long way from his Home in the Woods these days, but Topsail Island is still part of The Old North State.
And even if some yankees might want to dispute the matter North Carolina is...
"First in Flight"

It even says so on our tags!

And those two Yankee Boys went to a lot of trouble just to get here so they could work on their little project.
And while Topsail is not Kitty Hawk, there are still plenty of things flying around out here.
Like these guys.
And they are good at it.

But just off the northern end of the island are the Marines at Camp Lejeune.
And they are pretty good at this flying stuff too.
You see their choppers all the time.

Sometimes you can even get a look at these odd fellows.
In fact there's all kinda stuff up there these days.
A few days ago around sunset,  The Fuzz's Sweetie called him to the window.
What now?
Looks like flying can be a bit simpler than what the Marines were doing.
Kinda looks like fun!
And then he flew off into the sunset.

The Fuzz did manage to sneek in a pix of the sunset after all!

And then a couple of mornings ago, whilst Our Fuzz was out for his morning...
This strange thing.
There was a guy out there flying this Drone...
...First one The Fuzz has ever seen.
Looks like high tech has hit the beach.
 Well be that as it may...
The Fuzz still likes to watch these guys.
They make it look so easy.


Woodie said...

nice post. I like the flow on this one, it tells a great story in photos.

Davey Doo said...

Mandy's pops has a drone, and had it here at the last birthday party.......he took some cool video pics of the party way above the house. They are pretty high tech.