Monday, September 17, 2007

Stove Pipe

That fall like weather is finally here. At least for the moment. That cool breeze, those cool mornings.

Of course, those cool mornings call for a little something to take the chill off the house. This means Fire. Fire means Smoke. And Smoke has to find a way out of the stove, and out of the house.

Now there is a hole in the ceiling that connects to a hole in the roof. This might sound like a problem on account of rain and all, getting in, and making things all wet. But this is not a problem. This is a special hole, just for Smoke.
Here is what this hole looks like from the inside.
But the smoke starts it's journey from inside the stove. This means that it must get from the stove to this special hole in the top of the house.
There was a time, when folks just let the smoke kinda rise up in the room and find it's own way to their hole in the roof, but that system doesn't really work all that well. But now days we have a better approach to this. We have a Stove Pipe.
It will be noticed, in the above illustration, that this Stove Pipe seems to be in bad condition. This is, in fact, the case. If this critical component were to fail, it could be serious. So It must be replaced. And that was the project for the day.
It was time for a trip to the Home Improvement Store. There among the thousands of useful items, The Fuzz found Brand New Stove Pipe Stuff.
(He also found some fancy, high dollar light bulbs, to replace the ones that were burned out, but that doesn't have anything to do with Stove Pipes, so I'm sorry I brought it up.) First the Stove Pipes had to be snapped together. The fuzz had fun looking at the trees though them. Then, some of them had to be cut into the proper lengths. The Fuzz used his cool side grinder for this. I don't know why this stuff seems to be floating around like this. It wasn't. Here are all the finished parts waiting for assembly, the damper is installed, and he even remembered to clean off those little stickers with the barcodes on them.
The Fuzz carried all this stuff inside, and stuck the 9" piece up into the hole inn the ceiling. After this was secured, the rest was connected and fastened with screws. One does not want these things coming apart at an inopportune time.

So here is the finished project. Now The Fuzz's Sweetie can be warm without burning down the house.

But there is one thing I Don't understand. The Fuzz bought 6" Stove Pipes, yet these all have the number "9" on them.

In unrelated news, the Older Son no longer has a fiancee, They were married in the Tropical Paradise.


Anonymous said...

nice and shiny new chrome pipe, now all you need is some racing stripes for the stove. :)

Anonymous said...

Definately looking snappy!!!