Friday, September 28, 2007

Flicks to See

Been enjoying some flicks by Jim Jarmusch lately. I think we found his stuff by looking for stuff with Roberto Benigni in, who's work we really enjoy. Benigni is in Down by Law as an Italian Tourist in New Orleans who ends up in jail with some other weird characters. In this one, you can watch Benigni without subtitles. His English isn't so good, but that's part of it.

Coffee and Cigarettes is a series of shorts, with a variety of characters meeting over, coffee and, cigarettes, of course. Some of these are a real trip, and they even manage to bring Nicola Tesla into the picture.

In Mystery Train some Japanese tourists and others deal with Elvis and his ghost, while in a cheap hotel in Memphis. You might wish there were subtitles here, but that's part of what it is.

Tigrero: A Film That Was Never Made is a documentary where Jarmusch returns to the Amazon with director Sam Fuller. Fuller did some filming here years ago in an attempt to make "Tigrero". This never got off the ground, as he relates that the insurance companies wouldn't let it happen. But there is lots of cool stuff about the Indians.

The last one I've got here is Dead Man. This features Johnny Depp as an easterner who ends up out in the western wilderness with a weird indian. It is just strange. Local Daughter & Co. claim it is actually Dante's Inferno in disguise.

We got all these from Netflix.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the tips, we have these on our netflix and have the coffee and cigs one, but haven't watched it yet. many people have declared it to be good!

The Lazy Iguana said...

I may have to add some of these to my list.

Down By Law, Coffee and Cigarettes, and Dead Man sound like good prospects.

I am going to add them now.