Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Botanical Stuff

On our recent trip to The Big City, we stayed with that Artistical Daughter, who is also a Gardening Daughter. She had quite a nursery for little plants on her back porch.

Among all these were a number of varieties of Peppers. It is a fact that The Fuzz is a bit of a fan of those things. And so she hooked him up with one of each.

Here is one of the new additions to the garden.

You can also see a bit of spinach there.

We have had a time with Birds (at least we think it's birds) getting our Okra over the years. Some people might think "So what. Who wants the slimy stuff". But that's only folks who don't know how to cook this Southern Delicacy.

But anyhow, this year we are trying a new tactic. Note below how we are employing this Plastical Netting to thwart those Air born Pests.

The Fuzz had thought of using Chicken Wire for this, but on a dreaded trip to Wally World he found this plastic stuff. It is much cheaper and seems to be made just for this purpose.

The Fuzz's Sweetie was the instigator in this affair and it looks like it should work out fine. We may even get some Okra to eat this year.

And now, The Fuzz would like to present to y'all, Our First Tomato Blossom. With luck this may someday be part of The Fuzz's BLT.

And lastly, here are the latest from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! tomato flowers already? no such luck here.