Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time for a Good Bye

It finally bit the dust. After many years of faithful service the ol' washer is no more.

It was purchased when the 1st Daughter was the Baby. The Fuzz and His (then young) Sweetie had moved out in the country, far from the Laundromat, and had to deal with diapers, dirty clothes and all those kinda things.

They had the cash money at the time, but people had told them they needed to "Establish Credit" so they tried that at the Local Sears Store. But alas, the Local Sears Store did not seem to trust The Fuzz. They bought it any way, and took it home that day.

And then, in a couple years, they moved into The Bus (more on that someday) and took it with them. It was just a simple machine, filled with a hose, and they could hang the drain hose out the window.

Then it was taken here (now with 3 young'uns) and remained very
busy. It was only a tiny thing, one of those "Little Things" of daily life, but The Fuzz's Sweetie kept it busy. When not in use, (a rare occasion) it rested under the kitchen counter next to the arc welder.

In the last few year, with the water situation and the Laundromat closer, it saw less use. But it was always there for those quick jobs. But I'm sad to say, it finally gave it up.

And so, The Fuzz Salutes this Faithful Washing Machine, and bids it Adieu.

And here's a bit of Garden news. It was mentioned that there was a problem involving Birds and Okra. Well it seems that this Plasical Netting is working, so far. Here is a nice thick row of the stuff. It is so thick, it will have to be thinned. But that is OK.

And lastly, here is a look at our Kale. This is great stuff. It is quite tasty and is actually Good For You. It does well in the summer heat. More people should grow it.

Well that's about it for today. The Fuzz says So Long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-( Although I'm sure it's not Sooo bad. I keep thinking about that machine. Wish it was easy to find something like for my little apartment :-)