Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow and Other Things

They seem to be calling for Snow here tonight. The Fuzz says he'll believe it when he sees it. But then, we have seen it, sorta.

These white looking splotches are in fact Snowflakes! These actually fell from the sky this very morning.
Here is an even closer look. Note the little white specks sprinkled here on these bricks. This is real Snow. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) this was pretty much the extent of it. I'm afraid it stopped shortly after this picture was made.
But The Fuzz made a run out to the woods for a load of firewood just so we would be prepared. I realize my Yankee readers are probably scoffing at our diminutive dusting, but we have to make the best of things with what we've got.

You may remember the tale of the Gluttonous Goldfish. Well the situation hasn't changed. But The Fuzz was inspired to compose a tribute to this Foolish Fishy.

A Lesson from a Greedy Fish

He took too big a bite
I'm sure he knows by now
To be a pig ain't right
But it's too late somehow
To choke it down 's too much
And spitting out won't work
The problem is that such
A mouthful makes a jerk.

This weekend we had our Annual Movie Blowout. This year, we brought back the ever popular Star Wars Blowout. This was the original Blowout and we thought it was time to bring it back. I will say that we only watched episodes IV, V & VI, the real Star Wars Trilogy. I mean, what's with all that new stuff anyway? Do we really care about a remake of that Ben Hur chariot race anyway? Be that as it may, we did enjoy watching, snacking and all that stuff.

We'll keep you posted on our little Doofis Fish's Dilemma.


The Lazy Iguana said...

That is unusual for a goldfish to do.

Anonymous said...

good god, man! what a glutton. guess he never heard of the 7 DEADLY sins....

Anonymous said...

LOL... you've got two fans here in our lovely department with your poetry! And this fish has been gawked at by the entire office :-) Thanks for making us remember to take small bites :-)