Sunday, January 25, 2009

Things Are Moving Well

The Well Guys (and Well Gal) finally made it out.
Here's a look at their rig.

This is not a modern "State of the Art" sort of rig, but still very effective.
The Fuzz had elected to go for a larger "Bored" well as opposed to one of those "Driven" ones where a relatively small diameter pipe is driven deeper into (hopefully) an aquifer down there somewhere. His reasoning being that he would prefer a well he could drop a bucket into if it became necessary.
The Well Guy (with extensive experience in these matters) told him that the deeper wells in this area often end up with a lot of iron and stuff in the water. This does not mean that you can dispense with your iron supplements, but that the water will taste bad and your wash will turn red. This is not what we want.
Here is a look at the rig set up.

It was a tight fit getting it in there, but they made it by only cutting one small cherry tree.
In this shot*, you can see the shaft (A) that descends into the future well whilst turning the "bit" (C) down there at the bottom. Off to the right, is the boom (B) that pulls the bucket of dirt out to be dumped. And below, is a look at the first bucket full, the start of the drill. We'll have more exciting pictures of this fascinating process in future posts, maybe even exciting Video! So check back with us here at Kinda Fuzzy!

*The Fuzz wants me to apologize for those pitiful tiny A,B and C's, so Sorry about That.

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