Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Really a Lot of Cats!

A few weeks ago, whilst on a visit to that Big City, the Home of a  Famous University, The Fuzz and Family got to visit the Cat Refuge.

There's like over 300 Kitties camped here.  The Fuzz and Family have a few of their own, but, That's a lot of Cats! 

This is a labor of love and the Kitties are well cared for.

And speaking of cats, here's the latest here in the woods.  Anyone want a Kitty?


Woodie said...

sweet photo of momma cat. Unfortunately, we have our hands full with the kitties we have, can't have too many kitties in the semi-big city. :-/

Jeff said...

Depending on how high the fence is of course, maybe you could CATapult some of those excess kitties into the Cat Refuge! What, I'm kidding, it could have been worse, I could have recommended opening an Asian CATina! No, really, I like cat's, they're great with CATsup.