Thursday, November 01, 2012

Simple Matters II

Picking up where we left off...
The new switches worked fine.  We now had both light and ventilation.  But the exposed wiring remained.  The Fuzz realized that he would have to make a new box, for these wonderful new switches.
The first step would be to make a template, to cut the tin from.

The Fuzz used the original box as a pattern, and figured in the new measurements.  Then he drew a full-sized template on this heavy paper.  Next he folded it into shape, and tried the fit.  Amazingly, it did fit!

The choice of materials was #1- Old Roofing Tin, or #2- Aluminum Flashing.  The Fuzz decided to go with the Tin.  The Flashing would have been easier to work with, and prettier.  But it would also be a bit flimsy.  And no one will see this without getting into a contorted position over a hot stove.

The template was laid out, and traced onto a piece of the tin.

Then cut out with tin snips.

Next it had to be bent into shape.  Our Fuzz does not have one of those fancy Break-things, but he does have this extremely heavy piece of steel.  Some careful bending and a few taps with a hammer knocked things into shape.

Here's a look at the old, and new, together.

And lastly, the new box, installed.

It turned into a bigger project than The Fuzz had expected.  But life is like that sometimes.  Like Harvey Pekar has said, "Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff".


Davey Doo said...

Very nice, very nice

The Canuck said...

I like the picture with the two different sizes and your drawing on the table. :) The mind can do a lot of things that people have given up on. Even though your project turned into something more complex - you figured out how to do it yourself and didn't need to buy it pre-made from someone else. David and I were just talking about this the other day. Awesome job.