Monday, November 26, 2012

Steampunk Geeks

While on a recent trip out into the wide world The Fuzz and his found themselves in Beggars and Choosers .  While having a look at some of the weirder things there, The Fuzz learned of a Steampunk Coffee Shop around the corner.  While not involved in this Steampunk thing personally, The Fuzz does find it a bit interesting.
So when he found this recently on the internet*, he thought it was worth a look.

"One of the world's first digital computers to replace the handwritten calculations of human "computors" is getting an official reboot..."

But what really caught his attention was this link.
Could the Computer Age Have Begun in Victorian England?

"The steam-powered "Analytical Engine"

The early computer concept — a brass-and-iron machine the size of a small steam locomotive— came from the mind of Charles Babbage, a famed mathematician who tinkered with different designs for the Analytical Engine until his death in 1871. The Plan 28 project aims to build Babbage's machine by raising $8 million (5 million in British pounds) over the next 10 years.
This is supposed to explain things?

*Yeah, he reads Fox News- so what!


The Canuck said...

And this was supposed to do what? Be like a calculator? Looks very interesting... and confusing

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Yeah, It was supposed to have memory and everything.
The pix is only one part of it. The whole thing was never built. That's what The Plan 28 project is about.