Saturday, August 01, 2020

Is it August already?

It seems that yet another month has passed.
I find myself wondering if life will ever get back to "normal," whatever that is.  It's getting harder to remember.  
Of course there is this new normal.
I confess I was a bit lazy this morning, and slept in just a bit.  But in my defense, I had been up past midnight face-timing.  That seems to be the only way to meet with people these days without the mask-distancing-stuff.
And then there was some laundry to get in off the line before it got rained on again.
We have been getting nearly daily showers lately.  On the downside, it does raise the humidity a bit.  But then the evenings do get cooled down a bit quicker with the storms.
And lastly, to bed.

I did finally get up though.
Fed the cat, washed up a little, and put on some of the clean clothes.
Then it occurred to me that I had never gotten around to checking the mail yesterday.  So I walked up to the road.
There was a really bad smell, that "something-is-dead-around-here" kind of smell.  Perhaps there are some who don't mind this - buzzards come to mind - but I've never been a fan.
I thought it must be coming from somewhere under the heavy bushes along the driveway.  But a thorough search turned up nothing but stink.
Well, what can you do? I wasn't really looking forward to finding it anyways.  So in one respect, it was a relief.
But of course, the essence of death was still in the air.

Stepping out into the road, the scent grew stronger, and its source became apparent.  In front of the neighbor's house there were the remains of a bunny-rabbit, beneath a heathy coating of maggots.
(I hope you appreciate the fact that I resisted posting a graphic illustration here)
Since said neighbors mostly stay inside under the AC these days I realized that it would fall to myself to take care of things, unless I wished to have to repress the gag reflex for the next few days.

Fortunately for me, this unfortunate creature had not reached the liquid stage yet, so the job, while unpleasant, was not difficult.
In a former life, I had always been one of those "essential workers," and this, also, was essential.

So with this unpleasantness out of the way, it was time for more hand-laundry, and then my daily session of doom-scrolling.

I suppose even in times like these, we develop a routine of sorts.
But something is going to have to give.

And since I promised The Fuzz that I wouldn't get into politics here, I'll leave off for now.

Y'all take care of yourselves…


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