Saturday, August 08, 2020

Saturday (Again)

Happy Saturday!
I like to have that very necessary cup of coffee out on the front porch.
The morning routine includes filling the bird feeders and scattering a bit of seed in the yard for the non-bird-feeder-guys, like doves etc.
Of course the squirrelly neighbors are quick to take advantage of this as well.

Oh well, what are you going to do?

Saturdays, pre-pandemic, used to be my day to go to town.
Not usually anything exciting, but just to hang out.
I would stop by the coffeehouse for something - maybe even one of those tasty moca-milkshakes they make.
Then just wander around.  Really there's not a whole lot to do in this town.  There might be something new at the Arts Center.  I could stop by a shop or something and visit.
And then head somewhere to see what was the current beer on tap.

But that's pretty much tanked for now.

Saturday is pretty much like every other day in these times.
Just hang out at the house, have some coffee, watch the squirrels and birdies.

I find myself wanting to just say "the hell with it!" and go uptown anyway.
But it seems that even this mostly rural area is becoming a Covid hotspot lately.
So I suppose that would be rather foolish, being in one of the theoretical high-risk groups.

The hard thing is that there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.  So what do we wait for to happen?
That's what I'm beginning to wonder.
I mean?……………

Just trying to hang in here,


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