Monday, October 30, 2006

The View

This is actually a long range shot. This tree is quite tall and a good way from where I was sitting. This is one of the paradoxes of these modern times. We have this wonderful digital camera, which though the wonders of modern technology, has the ability to make distant objects seem so close. The paradox is that I was sitting in an old fashioned low tech outhouse at the time. I don't think I really need to go into exactly why I was there. Let's just say I had my reasons. But as I was enjoying a peaceful moment there, my gaze wandered upward toward the now bare branches and a curiosity caught my eye. Why does it appear as if there has been an ice storm ? It did rain the night before, but it was not cold. Especially not cold enough for ice, not even a frost. And yet this has the appearance of a real ice storm, the kind that breaks trees, turns out the lights, and causes general havoc. I suppose it is just the sunlight catching the still wet branches, but to me it seemed special.
No, I don't carry a camera each time I visit the little house or go, as we say, "down the hill". But this was too good to pass up and I had to capture the moment before the "ice" melted.


Anonymous said...

Truly a wonderful shot! Thanks for the memories of the good things about an outhouse!

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Yeah, most folks don't understand.