Sunday, October 22, 2006

This is a fellow we met at the Renascence festival. I'm not sure what his name is. I was afraid to ask. But I don't think he is as dangerous as he looks. Little children were getting their pictures made with him and he didn't eat any, at least that I saw. We like to go there at least once every year and hang out with the other weirdoes. It's alot more fun when you dress up and all. There's lots of cool (but overpriced) stuff to look at and musicians and all. They stamp your hand if you go out, so we usually slip into the surrounding woods for a Renascence Picnic compleat with ale and all that good stuff. We didn't poach any of the king's deer, but we did have a lot of fun.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Ale huh? Count me in on that! Next festival you might try to get some meade. With a bottle or two of meade,the other people may just appoint you king. Then you could send some knights on a quest to get rid of that monster guy.

Anonymous said...

YIKES! I bet this guy could straighten out Washington in short order!

Anonymous said...

Aye, Robin 'ood!