Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Couple Things

My Loyal Readers might remember a few posts featuring The Fuzz's Sweetie's sketching, like maybe "Exposed !" from December of last year.Well she is fond of this sort of activity and has her favorite instruments to do it with. But she had no place for them to rest when not working. Sure she could have left them laying just anywhere, but that is never a good policy in these matters. Anyone could come along and just use them, or worse, walk of with 'em. So her special pens needed a special place to kick back, and yet be ready for instant action. It would also be good for someone to be able to keep an eye on them.

And so The Fuzz (as a typical guy does) decided to "fix" things. Here you can see this woman he got to keep an eye on them, and yet be ready to hand her the pen of her choice at a moments notice. She is not one of those "undocumented" workers, but she does work cheap. And those special pens should be safe, 'cause she's kinda wired and doesn't sleep much.

Here you can see The Fuzz's specialized equipment for handling these things. Actually the design was adapted from what was originally intended to be garden sculpture, but I think it works better like this.

In other news, He finally got around to changing the oil in the Luxurious Oriental Vehicle. One of the blessings of this 21st Century, is cars that flash lights at us to remind us that they want something. This is really OK, since The Fuzz tends to put those things off sometimes. The little light reminds His Sweetie to remind him. So he did change the oil. The only problem was that the Luxurious Oriental Vehicle didn't want to admit it. So he had clean oil, but a still flashing light. His consultants helpfully told him about many complicated methods that this is accomplished with various vehicles. But this didn't help a whole lot. But on the way home, in a rare moment of inspiration, he stopped in at the Quickie Oil Change Place, and asked one of the Oil Change Guys. He lucked out for sure, because there was a similar vehicle there getting the Quickie Oil Change right at that very moment. The Kind Oil Change Guy showed The Fuzz the little trick, and now the Luxurious Oriental Vehicle not only has clean oil, it believes it.

The Fuzz wants to apologize for not getting anything posted these last few days. These do seem to be busy times. Of course it could just be that he's a lazy rascal.


Anonymous said...

That is most awesome indeed! What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

very nice, very sassy.